4th industrial revolution will change companies from the inside

After invention of steam engine, there was years, in some parts of the world even half of the century or more to feel the 1st industrial revolution. Now, 4th industrial revolution is coming much faster and changes that it brings … Continue reading 4th industrial revolution will change companies from the inside

Human side of innovation – innovators inside organizations


In the world of continuous changes and new trends it is important to have in your team, department or organization, people who think different and who approach to problem in different manner. Often, it’s difficult to recognize innovative persons. They are shy and mostly they hide their ideas in fear not to be copied. Nevertheless, with time some of their features will come along: Continue reading “Human side of innovation – innovators inside organizations”

Apple’s Newest Products – Breakthrough or Not?


Two days ago, Apple announced new iPhones and Apple Watch. Since then, the world is buzzing about it. Haters put thousands of pictures on internet (funny or not) comparing new models with older products of competitors, they don’t like the design, functionality or just the size. On the other hand, Apple-lovers love everything that comes from Cupertino and every new product means ‘new product to have’ for them. Is there a middle? Continue reading “Apple’s Newest Products – Breakthrough or Not?”