Great Idea Can Come From Anywhere!

fromAnywhereEveryone has the potential to be creative. We all create everyday, whether we’re at home, work, in the garden or at school. these ideas help us in our daily lives and we often take them for granted because we think they’re small or insignificant. But sometimes we could come up with an idea that is so useful for the market that it can be called an innovation. The problem is that many people are uncomfortable getting their idea out, or too timid to step out of their comfort zones. Continue reading “Great Idea Can Come From Anywhere!”

Boosting Creativity: top 10 places to get creative ideas


Don’t underestimate the dynamic nature of creativity, and the possibility that your aha moment could come when you least expect it. Here is presented 10 ‘creativity enhancing’ places that you have probably not thought of. Continue reading “Boosting Creativity: top 10 places to get creative ideas”

Nurturing Innovation


Setting the preconditions for great results

Have you heard a friend or colleague making fun of his/her superiors because they are doing something “stupid”? On the question “why don’t you suggest a solution?” you get an answer “they wouldn’t listen” or “they don’t care for my thoughts” or “let them do what they want!” Continue reading “Nurturing Innovation”

Prototype and Get the First Follower!


The first, or “zero phase,” of the innovation process is to convince the very first person to step behind your idea. The ideal candidate could be: a colleague, a superior or an investor. Ideally you want to find someone in the organization who can fund your idea, or help you find a way to fund it. This will give your idea a push. There may be a need for fine-tuning the rationale and ironing out the technical details to get it through the various stages of the process. Continue reading “Prototype and Get the First Follower!”